WAMP Development Environment
We all need somewhere to call our own, with our own tools and things. The same is true for web development and design. The first thing is your operating system. You can do it on any one, but for this post I will go through setting up on a Windows machine, so we will use the WAMP development environment.
Now that we know the OS it is fairly easy to get started. For this we need a web server (Apache) and a Database (MySQL) as well as PHP to run the pages. Fortunately this all comes in a handy download called WAMP (this is the Windows version). Download the program and install.
Once you have WAMP set up you can find it in C:\wamp64. In that folder we will put the unzipped folder for WordPress.
Create a new database for our WAMP development environment
Open up your favorite browser and put in – localhost/phpmyadmin
We are logging in as root (The head honcho) without a password. After all it is your computer and this is just for development.
Click on the “New” button.
Name your database something familiar (usually the domain name). Click “Create”. Great. Congratulations! We have an empty database that is almost ready to use with WordPress. We need a user account to use with the database.

Click on the new database that you created. Click on add new user account
Once you have filled out the form with your user name and password, click on “Grant all privileges on newdb” (The one you created) and “Global privileges” Check box then press go. Presto you have a new user. Now it is time to get WordPress up and running.
We go to C:\wamp\www\ (The name of your folder) – this is where we put the unzipped file of wordpress and renamed it.
Open up your browser and type in “localhost/YourNewSite” The same name as your folder. You can create a new folder called “projects” and place the YourNewSite folder in there so you can have more than one domain that you can work on at a time. If you use the projects folder you would type in “localhost/projects/YourNewSite” into your browser’s address bar.
This is where we will fill in all the information we gathered:
- Database name
- Username
- Password
- Db host – localhost
Once you fill this out and hit submit you can login to your new WordPress setup. The Complete WAMP development environment is now ready to go.