What to Do After Installing Pop_OS

  I really am enjoying I just received a beautiful new Thelio Mira from System 76 (they don’t advertise here, but they make a great product and I highly recommend them). When I get a new computer I install the programs and add-ons that I want on it. POP_OS is great for this. It is […]

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The Best Organization Apps for Linux

The Best Organization Apps for Linux

  Getting your notes and to-do lists in order is one of the best ways to start getting more accomplished. Here are some of the best of the best when it comes to to-do list apps and note taking apps for Linux. I give you these to try out and find the ones that suit […]

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Linux Terminal Web Browsers

Linux Terminal Browsers

  There are several Linux Terminal Web Browsers that you can choose from depending on your tastes and what you are intending on doing. Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order. W3M — Linux Terminal Browser W3M is a popular open-source text-based web browser for the terminal. It supports SSL connections, colors, […]

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Getting Smart With: PASS – the command line password manager

Open source command line tool to store passwords securely

Getting Smart With: PASS – the command line password manager PASS is a password manager that uses the command line in Linux to create encrypted files for the sites that you visit. PASS was designed for simplicity and adheres to the Unix philosophy. With PASS, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose […]

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Best Linux distributions for old computers


Best Linux distributions for old computers There are hundreds of Linux distributions out there, but most have hardware requirements that are above and beyond what old computers and laptops have in them. So, what to do to breathe new life into old computers?  Older hardware usually does not have the specifications that you would need […]

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Pixelated Dwarf