Workflow with Gutenberg
Step by step instructions on getting a good work-flow using the Gutenberg Editor on WordPress. Workflow with Gutenberg is made easier with the block editor and with Patterns that you make yourself, Reusable patterns.
By using Reusable Patterns you can save yourself a lot of time and effort. When you have elements that are consistent in your site then make them into Reusable Patterns so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time. Just modify them slightly.
My Workflow
Here is how I approach pages and posts: First I write out my posts and page in a word processor. This for two reasons: It is easier to change things rapidly without worrying about how a page looks, and the other reason is spelling a grammar. The checking is much easier in a word processor.
Once I have the wording down the way I like, I think about the pictures, illustrations and screenshots that I will need to make the article or page more interesting and illustrative. Luckily my partner is a graphic artist so she can help a lot.
Now I start on the page or post itself in WordPress. I make the whole thing into a text document – it is after all only text at this point – media is separate still. I don’t want any formatting at all when I put it on WordPress. I let WordPress handle all of the formatting. This gives me a cleaner source code.
I then insert the pictures and screenshots into the page. Letting the CSS size and format the media is the best and easiest solution. Make sure that you have alt tags for your images. Not only does it help with SEO, it also helps screen readers too.
Check the Page
Check the SEO for the page. One great plugin is Yoast SEO. This plugin will give you loads of information on SEO, word counts, readability and much more. It will help you to be a better writer.
Publishing the content
You can publish immediately, or you can schedule the content to be seen at a later date. I usually schedule my content for a later date that way I have a couple days to re-look at it before the public sees it.
That is my methodology and my workflow with Gutenberg. I am sure that you can come up with your own, but this seems to work for me.