Distribution Evaluation – Ubuntu 20.10

Distribution Evaluation – Ubuntu 20.10

Distribution EvaluationUbuntu 20.10 is the latest release of Ubuntu (Code named Groovy Gorilla). This is a short term release which means it will be supported for nine months, but there is an easy upgrade path to the next release.

Ubuntu has many of the Debian releases. There is not a lot of extra programs that you need to delete in this one.

Gnome 3.38 is onboard users can do much more than with previous versions.

The long term release should be available this month (April 2021).


As with most short term releases, there are very few surprises. There are several improvements link a new Gnome and the ability to share WiFi through the use of QR codes. The nice thing about the short term releases is that the software is all new inside. There is very little if any updating needed right out of the box. I used a live distribution to make this evaluation and was pleased to say that the speed even though I was using only RAM was good.


(Overall rating – out of 5 stars)
* * * *
(Features and programs included out of the box – out of 5 stars)
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Ease of Use
(Interface ease of use – out of 5 stars)
* * * * *
(ease of customizing – out of 5 stars )
* * *


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Updated on October 28, 2021

Pixelated Dwarf