Distribution Evaluation Debian 10.5

Distribution Evaluation Debian 10.5

Distribution Evaluation Debian 10.5, Gnome desktop.  Debian “Buster” 10.5. Debian is one of the largest distributions and one of the oldest active distributions founded in 1993.  It is the basis for dozens of other distributions, including Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

The strength is its installer which offers the option of step-by-step customization. The installer can also install very  fast (15 minutes or so) if you do not wish full customization.

It is easy to modify with the themes window. The combinations of possibilities fairly vast right out of the box.

Each of the features has its own set of choices. You can experiment and find the one that appeals to you.

Getting Help

Debian has also got one of the most extensive help and documentation parts to its system of any distribution. The help can be found by going to Accessories –> Help . The documentation by going to Accessories –> Debian Reference.

Software freedom choice

Users can choose the amount of software freedom they are comfortable with. The main section of the repository is FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). The “Contrib” section  is free software that depends on proprietary software. and then the non-free or proprietary software.

By dividing the sections up in this manner you can choose what combination of software feels right to you and your needs.

Closing thoughts

Although Debian is not the most cutting edge of all of the distributions out there, it is the most stable and solid one around. The programs that come with it out of the box are enough to start you out and get you going. It has the best help system out there. It is very adaptable with themes. Overall it is a great distribution.


(Over all rating – out of 5 stars)
* * * * *
(Features and programs included out of the box – out of 5 stars)
* * * * *
Ease of Use
(Interface ease of use – out of 5 stars)
* * * * *
(ease of customizing – out of 5 stars )
* * * * *

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Updated on October 28, 2021

Pixelated Dwarf