Distribution Evaluation Bodhi 5.1

Distribution Evaluation Bodhi 5.1

Distribution Evaluation Bodhi 5.1. Bodhi is a light-weight distribution featuring the Moksha desktop.   Moksha, the desktop, is a fork of the Enlightenment DR17 desktop maintained by the Bodhi Linux team. Moksha focuses on staying light weight, while still offering a high level of customization options. The distribution is based on Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) releases which give a stable environment in which to work. Bodhi 5.1 is the first release in almost two years due to a change in leadership, but former users of the distribution will find that it lives up to the charge of it being light-weight.

The install does not come with many programs by design; rather it allows you to choose which ones you wish to install. There are two ways to install new programs: One is with the synaptic package manager and the second is with a web interface called the AppCenter.  The Bodhi Linux team has created the AppCenter as a very fast and simple way to install many common applications. While you won’t find every application that you can install in Bodhi Linux at the AppCenter, you will find what they consider to be “best of breed” applications for each particular category.


There is a very good introduction to the operating system and many of the basic questions are answered there. There are also resources listed that you can get more information.  The quick start guide that is helpful for learning about the operating system.

Bodhi uses the Epiphany Web Browser which is a light weight browser going with their philosophy of minimalist installs. You can install your favorite browser if you wish.

Getting up to date

Bodhi suggests that you update via the command line after you establish an internet connection:

If you installed the new hwe version of Bodhi, kernel updates will be enabled by default.

But traditionally, Bodhi has taken the view of “not forcing kernel updates.” So users of non-hwe versions of Bodhi, who want to update the kernel, simply install this meta package to ensure you’ll always be offered the latest kernel in the updates:

(Overall rating – out of 5 stars)
* * * *
(Features and programs included out of the box – out of 5 stars)
* * *
Ease of Use
(Interface ease of use – out of 5 stars)
* * * *
(ease of customizing – out of 5 stars )
* * * * *



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Updated on October 28, 2021

Pixelated Dwarf