Linux One Liner :: Organizing for 2024 at the command line

Linux One Liners

Organizing for 2024 at the command line

Yes, you can use the power of the command line to help you to get ready for 2024. What I wanted was to make a file with all of the months in a few places (My overall schedule, Bills and Financial and such). I did it with one command! Let me walk you through it.

Months of the year


Here are the steps:

    • I went into my home directory and then into Documents.
    • I made a new directory named 2024
    • Here is the “magic command” to create directories for all the months at once
    • With a simple ls command we can see that all the moth directories are all there!
    • I can copy the 2024 directory anywhere I need it.

You can see more Linux One LinersHere!

I found a great site that helps break down complex commands like the ones I use that you will love – Explain Shell

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Updated on April 19, 2024

Pixelated Dwarf